A public payphone in China began ringing and ringing. Who was calling?

A public payphone in China began ringing and ringing. Who was calling?

BEIJING – For years, the public payphone in Beijing — demurely shielded by its bulbous, yellow cover — sat underused, eclipsed by the rise of the smartphone. Then on a Saturday in July it began ringing … and ringing … and ringing.

北京 — — 多年来,北京的公共公用电话——被其球状黄色外壳端庄地保护起来——一直未被充分利用,因智能手机的兴起而黯然失色。然后在七月的一个星期六,它开始响……响……响。

It rang every Saturday for weeks with a barrage of calls, each a plea for help from residents of a community cut off from the rest of the world.


Curious pedestrians passing by answered the phone as well as volunteers. The pay phone is the star of a performance art to highlight the irony of a hotline in a city hundreds of miles away which has been ignoring cries for help from its own residents.


“The air is constantly laced with a stinging, almond-like smell. We can barely breathe freely at home. My throat aches, as if someone is grasping it,” a woman named Hong Yu said on the other end of the phone one July afternoon.

“空气中始终弥漫着刺鼻的杏仁味。我们在家几乎无法自由呼吸。 7月的一个下午,电话那头的一位名叫洪宇的女士说:“我的喉咙很痛,好像有人抓住了它。”

Hong is among 2.71 million residents who live in a coastal city in northern China named Gourd Island, where they say they have been suffering from years of severe pollution emitted by a zinc factory and several pesticides and chemicals firms.


Despite a petition system that in theory allows any Chinese citizen to ask national leaders in Beijing for redress, Gourd Island residents say they have been stymied and harassed for years – highlighting how even the smallest social dissent in China can now be smothered by an extensive digital surveillance and online censorship apparatus.


The plight of the Gourd Islanders caught the attention of Nut Brother, a Chinese artist known for his environmental activism through absurdist performances. He’s vacuumed up dust from Beijing’s smoggy air and turned it into a brick, transformed a river discolored by pollution into soup by tossing in toy fish and fake red peppers, and clamped his mouth shut with a variety of devices, including a face mask that read “shut up,” to protest censorship.

葫芦岛民的困境引起了中国艺术家坚果兄弟的注意,他是一位以荒诞主义表演的环保活动而闻名的中国艺术家。他用真空吸尘器吸走了北京雾霾空气中的灰尘,把它变成了一块砖,把一条因污染而变色的河流扔进了玩具鱼和假红辣椒,变成了汤,并用各种装置堵住了他的嘴,其中包括一个写着“ “闭嘴”,以抗议审查制度。

Nut Brother came up with the idea of using the old payphone as a hotline for pollution victims.


The idea was to use a very old-school form of communication to draw attention to Gourd Island pollution, as online petitions and blog posts documenting the city’s air pollution were quickly deleted by online censors and dozens of formal complaints submitted by Hong and her neighbors to the provincial environmental bureau and municipal office were ignored.


“The local government has chosen the development of the economy at the cost of our health. We need help to get our voices heard,” Hong said.


Residents began calling the yellow Beijing public payphone 265 miles away in a desperate attempt to raise attention in the country’s seat of political power.

居民们开始拨打 265 英里外的北京黄色公用电话,拼命地试图引起人们对这个国家政治权力所在地的关注。

Nut Brother then pasted a poster on the phone booth, sharing a clip of it online, and called on volunteers to come and answer the phone: “Every Saturday, between 3 PM to 5 PM. Let’s petition to this public payphone in Beijing rather than to call the mayor’s hotline.”


What’s going on in Gourd Island


Originally built by a Japanese colony in the 1930s in the mineral and natural gas-rich city of Gourd Island, the zinc smelter there remains one of Asia’s largest.

这座锌冶炼厂最初由日本殖民地于 20 世纪 30 年代在矿产和天然气丰富的葫芦岛建造,至今仍是亚洲最大的锌冶炼厂之一。

Nearly half of the heavy metal components discharged in sewage in Liaoning province, where the city is located, are attributable to Gourd Island, and the lead content of its air also far exceeds the permitted limit, according to Greenpeace, the environmental protection organization.


The city remains densely populated by heavy industry, with 194 factories identified by local environmental authorities as high emissions factories, according to a regulatory list published in 2022. Nearly three quarters of the factories listed are in the metals and chemicals industries.

该市仍然是重工业密集区,根据 2022 年公布的监管清单,有 194 家工厂被当地环保部门认定为高排放工厂。列出的工厂中近四分之三属于金属和化工行业。

China has tried to correct some of its environmental excesses. In recent years, it has shut down inefficient steel plants and invested heavily in state renewable energy projects, especially solar power and hydropower, though the country’s power grid still struggles to transport that energy to the densest cities.


However, cities like Gourd Island, whose municipal revenue is still reliant on jobs and taxes from the chemicals sector and heavy industry, have struggled to make the shift toward stronger environmental protection.


The city remains heavily indebted, and its per capita GDP ranking, a measure of a nation’s standard of living, has fallen to the bottom 25% at only about a third of the national average.


Meanwhile, current Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s regime has tightened political control, decimating a once-nascent civil society movement that had notched some notable wins for environmental protection.


Now, those who push for social change, even if their cause has little to do with politics, are increasingly detained and boxed in by digital surveillance controls that curb online speech.


Weeks after trying to share information online about air pollution, Hong Yu, the woman NPR spoke to on the public payphone, was detained by Gourd Island authorities for 24 hours. After she was released, she published a TikTok video in which she seemed under strain. The video was likely filmed under coercion.

在试图在网上分享有关空气污染的信息几周后,美国公共广播电台 (NPR) 通过公共公用电话采访的女士洪宇 (Hong Yu) 被古德岛当局拘留了 24 小时。获释后,她发布了一段 TikTok 视频,视频中她看起来压力很大。该视频很可能是在胁迫下拍摄的。

“I made up the information in my previous videos to get likes,” Hong said in the video, before apologizing for sharing false information about zinc pollution. “Actually, life is great in Gourd Island,” she added.

“我之前视频中的信息是为了博取点赞而编造的,”洪在视频中说道,然后为分享有关锌污染的虚假信息而道歉。 “事实上,葫芦岛的生活很棒,”她补充道。

Lessons in how to evade surveillance


Such digital and political controls have made even reaching Gourd Island residents a challenge. A small group of volunteers is working with the artist Nut Brother to film the phone booth project and amass testimonies from pollution victims without catching unwanted attention from eagle-eyed authorities.


“The biggest challenge is that the pollution victims are all using Chinese-made phones, and [these individuals] are all a bit older, so they are new to digital tools,” said Li Yuchen, an encryption expert who has been helping residents circumnavigate state censors and evade surveillance using readily available open-source software tools, which are not commonly used in China and are difficult for the government to keep an eye on.


“I want the residents to be seen and to help them to be noticed by not just me, one person, but a broader audience,” said Li. “As long as there’s one person who learns how to use open-source software, I feel hope. I do not have a particular goal; the meaning of activism lies in practice itself,” he said.

“我希望居民能够被看到,并帮助他们不仅被我一个人,而且更广泛的观众注意到,”李说。 “只要有人学会如何使用开源软件,我就感到希望。我没有特定的目标;行动主义的意义在于实践本身。”他说。

Li’s efforts with Nut Brother and the residents of Gourd Island appear to have borne some fruit. Authorities in Gourd Island say they have since started an investigation into 21 factories discharging toxic gases, during which the companies must suspend operations.

李与坚果兄弟以及葫芦岛居民的努力似乎取得了一些成果。古德岛当局表示,他们已开始对 21 家排放有毒气体的工厂进行调查,调查期间这些公司必须暂停运营。

However, Gourd Island residents worry that the polluting activity will resume once public attention dissipates and suspect the factories are still secretly operating at night, when regulatory scrutiny is less intense.


The environmental authorities in Gourd Island and Liaoning Province did not respond to NPR’s requests for comment.


And now, someone is interfering with the residents’ efforts to raise awareness. A month into the public art project, the most frequent users of their Beijing-based public payphone “hotline” became irate strangers claiming to be nearby Beijing residents. When they answered, they told the islanders: Stop calling, no one cares.


When NPR tried to call the public payphone in late September, the phone no longer rang.

九月底,当 NPR 试图拨打公共公用电话时,电话不再响了。

Copyright 2022 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

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作者:江雪 12月15日,深港双年展(全称“2017深港城市\建筑双城双年展”)在深圳南头古村开幕。在古村和公园之间的空地上,艺术家徐坦用木头、竹子、松树皮等搭起了一个简易篷子,起名“村雨工作站”。作为深双“艺术造城”板块的参展项目,“村雨”关注那些居住在珠三角城市边缘或郊区村落的艺术家们,与社区(例如城中村)共生的经验。其中第一个关注的就是西三电影制片厂。“西三”就是广州的城中村西三村。 “村雨”在15日下午开幕。当天,艺术家胡嘉珉在南头古村外那副巨大的“空椅子”油画,还没有被撤走。 西三电影制片厂的展示很特别,现场是“鸭饭放映会”。“西三厂厂民”、艺术家刘声煮了两只大肥鸭,现场做了100份鸭饭,給来看放映的艺术家和南头村村民吃,免费鸭饭吸引了很多村民,其中有10多个是闻讯赶来吃饭的保安。 “到村里来放映,我们不想来虚的,不如请大家吃饭。”郑宏彬说。他是西三电影制片厂的联合发起人。善做鸭饭的刘声和郑宏彬一样,他们都自称“厂民”。 现场放映了两部关于西三村日常的片子—

By Editor


编者荐语: 我甚至不知该如何用合适的话语来推荐这篇文章。有两位艺术项目发起人,建了一个网站 https://www.farewell.care,做了一个调查《受困的人》。因此给予死亡一个告别的仪式——只有在这里,他们才是有名字的陌生人、亲人和逝去的人。 以下文章来源于黑羊公社 ,作者黑羊公社 “有时候,我们需要用记住,去更好地忘却。” 「未完成的告别」 https://www.farewell.care Credits Concept & Direction: Jiabao, Laobai Design: Jiabao Development: Kally, Min Zhu Sound: dk 文 | Sanming 视频剪辑 | 武老白 在做「未完成的告别」时,发起人兼设计师Jiabao起初看见的是文字信息,一个人的姓名、生平、遭遇。当照片出来的时候,

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